Written by: Dr. Brian V. Xiong
Paperback, 42 pages, 8x10, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-64410-019-6
UA TSAUG KUV NIAM (sau ntawv Hmoob): Muaj ntau leej niam nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb, tiam sis KUV NIAM, koj yog ib leej niam zoo tshaj plaws. Niam, ua tsaug rau koj txoj kev hlub uas koj muab rau
kuv. Koj ua txhua yam rau kuv, yug kuv loj hlob, hlub kuv, thiab txhawb nqa kuv txhua yam.
Phau ntawv no muab rau txhua txhua leej niam, UA TSAUG rau nej txoj kev hlub, txoj kev siab zoo, thiab qhia peb kom ua ib tug neeg zoo.
Dr. Brian V. Xiong is a professor with expertise in Ethnic Studies and Hmong Studies. As a Hmong American author, scholar, researcher, and higher education professional, he brings extensive experience to his work. His research covers a range of interdisciplinary fields, such as Multicultural and Ethnic Studies, Asian American and Critical Hmong Studies, Counseling and Student Personnel, College Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, and Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Higher Education. Dr. Xiong has demonstrated leadership in education and administration, striving for excellence and innovation in teaching, student success, institutional equity, inclusion, and multicultural professional development across campus. He is a former Page Scholar, Wallin Scholar, Cornwell Scholar, Diversity & Equity Champion, Chief Diversity Officer & Affirmative Action Director, and an Advisory Chief Diversity Officer for the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity. He serves on the Executive Board of various diverse community service and nonprofit organizations. Dr. Xiong earned a bachelor’s degree in Justice Administration and Sociology from Southwest Minnesota State University, a master’s degree in Multicultural and Ethnic Studies from Minnesota State University-Mankato, and a doctorate in Counselor Education and Supervision, accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), also from MSU-Mankato.